专访WordPress创始人:中国缺乏创业合作平台http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年09月20日 10:12 新浪科技
新浪科技讯 9月20日上午消息,WordPress创始人马特·穆伦维格(Matt Mullenweg)今日接受新浪科技独家专访时表示,对于中国的创业者来说,市场缺乏领先的合作平台,并且难以复制美国的成功经验。
视频报道 今年24岁的马特是第一次来到中国,目的是参加今日上午在北京清华大学举行的WordPress爱好者的聚会WordCamp。在清华大学清晨阳光的草地前,牛仔裤休闲装扮的马特接受新浪科技简短专访,就WordPress发展现状、创业等话题做出交流。
虽然经典退学创业案例比尔·盖茨多次公开表示不希望大学生重复自己的道路,但仍然无法挡住创业者的热情。1984年出生的马特20岁大学退学,并在第二年底创办Automattic公司,主营WordPress.com和Akismet(反垃圾留言)业务。2007年,23岁的马特被PC World评为50位网络风云人物之一,排16位,也是最年轻的一位。
新浪科技:近日韩国博客软件公司TNC联合创始人Chang Kim称谷歌将收购其公司,您如何评价这一交易,WordPress有没有寻求收购或者被收购的意向?
马特:可能中国市场并不如美国市场那样容易了解和操作。另一方面,对于创业者来说,中国市场缺乏业界领先的合作平台,比如美国的谷歌、雅虎和微软等,这对于创业者来说,是彻底的白手起家。另外一方面,由于中国和美国文化的不同,中国的创业者,通常不能够直接复制美国的成功经验,必须根据不同的市场做出调整。(龚民 韩枝
The Way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue, renovating the people, and abiding by the highest good.
Vista User Account Control
Vista User Account Control
* Overview
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User Account Control (UAC) is a new security feature in Microsoft Windows Vista that changes the architecture of the access token creation process and prevents users from logging on with full administrative rights.
While the intent of this feature may have been enhanced security, all too often users need administrative rights for tasks like installing/updating programs, and many software applications need access to run properly.
The User Account Control tool has been designed to replace the Vista UAC, to simultaneously make your system more secure while significantly improving user-friendliness.
By default, any application launched by an administrator is running with a filtered, standard user access token. When the administrator attempts to perform a task, the UAC prompts the user to approve the action. This can lead to poor user experiences because the prompts can be slow to display, and appear frequently and without warning. What’s more, because the UAC may give a false sense of security since other processes can still access the desktop, it actually raises security concerns.
The net effect is that many users find the UAC security clearance and prompting process annoying, especially those who are a computer’s only user and have all the latest Norton Internet Security software installed and updated.
The User Account Control tool will collect user input as well as information on applications causing prompts. The data will be processed to improve the comprehensiveness and robustness of the white list, which will be updatable while running the tool online.
* Overview
* Leave Feedback
User Account Control (UAC) is a new security feature in Microsoft Windows Vista that changes the architecture of the access token creation process and prevents users from logging on with full administrative rights.
While the intent of this feature may have been enhanced security, all too often users need administrative rights for tasks like installing/updating programs, and many software applications need access to run properly.
The User Account Control tool has been designed to replace the Vista UAC, to simultaneously make your system more secure while significantly improving user-friendliness.
By default, any application launched by an administrator is running with a filtered, standard user access token. When the administrator attempts to perform a task, the UAC prompts the user to approve the action. This can lead to poor user experiences because the prompts can be slow to display, and appear frequently and without warning. What’s more, because the UAC may give a false sense of security since other processes can still access the desktop, it actually raises security concerns.
The net effect is that many users find the UAC security clearance and prompting process annoying, especially those who are a computer’s only user and have all the latest Norton Internet Security software installed and updated.
The User Account Control tool will collect user input as well as information on applications causing prompts. The data will be processed to improve the comprehensiveness and robustness of the white list, which will be updatable while running the tool online.
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