The Way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue, renovating the people, and abiding by the highest good.


Free VPN Tools

Free VPN Tools 


UltraVPN - A Free VPN Powered by the Community

已经注册了 alexzhang 
基于openvpn 的 服务 .
可以利用虚拟机中装 该软件 实现  。
Welcome to Free USA | UK | Canada VPN 
和上面的软件差不多 ,

What is tinc?

tinc is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon that uses tunnelling and encryption to create a secure private network between hosts on the Internet. tinc is Free Software and licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later. Because the VPN appears to the IP level network code as a normal network device, there is no need to adapt any existing software. This allows VPN sites to share information with each other over the Internet without exposing any information to others. In addition, tinc has the following features:

Linux 下的VPN 客户端 ,仅此而已 。


The FreeS/WAN team is proud to announce the arrival of 2.06, the project's final release of its freely redistributable IPsec for Linux. Here are a few of its notable features, as documented in the CHANGES file:

也是 linux 下的VPN


Client Installation for VPN Online Test Environment

You need to install the PacketiX VPN Client on you local PC to create a VPN connection to the Virtual Hub "alexzhang".

You can install and configure the client by hand, or the ActiveX control on this page to install and configure it automatically.


PacketiX VPN Client 2.0 also operates on platforms with Linux kernel 2.4 or later. However, the Linux version of VPN Client has numerous limitations, and currently it cannot be operated using a GUI. Therefore, the Linux version of VPN Client is recommended for use only by users with a very strong understanding of the Linux operating system and networks.

When using a Linux server to configure a connection between bases or a remote access VPN, normally this can be achieved using the local bridge functions of the Linux version of VPN Server, and the Linux version of VPN Client does not need to be used.

is a Japan VPN service. It is actually a premium service, but they have PacketiX.NET online test service as well which is free to use. The service is fast and reliable and it is easy to use as well. Just download the VPN connection manager, install and connect!
提供 多平台的支持 尤其支持 windows 浏览器在线VPN  支持

Welcome to Hotspot Shield!

  • Secure your web session with HTTPS encryption.
  • Hide your IP address for your privacy online.
  • Access all content privately without censorship; bypass firewalls.
  • Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports, corporate offices and ISP hubs.
  • Works on wireless and wired connections alike.
  • Secure your data & personal information online.

很好的免费的VPN 工具  。

不支持linux 客户端 。
正因为这个工具不错,选择它用在 虚拟机中,在虚拟机里安装XP,通过简单的安装,就可以通过
Using HotSpot Shield under LinuxPrint
Written by Dirk Tilger   
Tuesday, 31 March 2009 13:26


A friend of mine is promoting Linux in his company and for a certain number of applications he would like to use a public VPN service. Hotspot Shield is apparently one of the most widely known ones out there, so naturally people are asking whether it could run under Linux.

What makes you think it could run? 

If you take a closer look at Hotspot Shield, one could quickly get the impression it's easy to make it run under Linux and while you're at it you might in fact believe for quite a while that you are on a successful track. However, it's not that easy as it turns out and the author of this text eventually gave up on it. However, if you're still determined you might actually get it to work and we'll present an idea at the end of this text on what to do. Until then I just give you an idea stones that lay on the way to give you an idea what not to try.

Why not. 

If you take a look into the binaries folder after installing Hotspot Shield, you get this or a similar look:

After the installation your first obstacle would be a Windows service trying to bind to port 895 - which is restricted to root under any decent Linux/Un*x system and this inaccessible, since you are not running wine as root (are you?). You can figure that out by enable tracing for winsock and executing the service executable openvpnas.exe (with the -debug parameter) directly. I bypassed this first obstacle by patching wine to assign a non-privileged port. People seem to look often for a solution to the root-ports problem, so one positive outcome of this experiment will be a wine patch. Once it's pretty I will submit it to wine-patches mailinglist for inclusion. Should it get rejected, it will be posted here.

openvpn.exe appears to be the OpenVPN executable. If you understand the inner workings of wine a little bit more you will understand that OpenVPN is not likely to run out of the box, since within wine it will have a hard time creating a new network device on the kernel level. So, replacing openvpn.exe was my first candidate and I thought a good one: it's GPL licensed and thus open.

You can start native applications on your machine through wine, thus replacing openvpn.exe with a native OpenVPN should have done the trick. 

After quite some time of configuring and writing a wrapper around OpenVPN I had to find out that AnchorFree had done modifications to openvpn.exe. While I could address some of them with a wrapper (though one that had to rewrite network packets) in other aspects the modified openvpn.exe does not behave according to the manual of the GPL one and then it becomes really nasty to figure things out. While grumbling over the GPL violation I found out more or less by accident that OpenVPN is dual-licensed and this modification is in fact allowed.

How it could in fact work: ideas for someone else 

With the openvpn.exe turning out not being a good cutting point for an interoperability patch, there is still an option left. The main problem of Hotspot Shield not running in wine is that it won't be able to load a network driver into the kernel of the host OS. This particular driver, the ethernet network tap however came in fact from the Unix world and had been ported to Windows. So the remaining option would be to implement the Windows interface of the TAP-Win32 driver and map its calls to the native TAP driver. For me that is more time worth spending.

OpenVPN has to support both the traditional Un*x TAP driver and the Windows driver. Accesses to both of them can be found in tun.c (at least for the prelease 2.1 branch in the SVN repository). An implementation of a wine TAP driver therefore could largely be done with copy and paste. If you look for example for open_tun (which opens the TUN/TAP device), you will find implementations for:

  • Linux
  • Generic Un*xes 
  • Solaris
  • OpenBSD
  • NetBSD
  • FreeBSD
  • Dragonfly
  • WIN32
Superficially looked at the open_tun implementation for WIN32, it doesn't substantially look different besides that we know that the functions to call have different names and slightly different semantics:
  1. We look for the driver.
  2. We open the file associated with the driver. 
  3. We configure the driver using device controls.
Therefore a TAP implementation for wine:
  1. has to be found as a driver in the Registry. 
  2. should provide a device file that can be openedbe able to open the driver file (the device file). 
  3. provide the Windows device controls and map them to the native OS.

Since OpenVPN's tun.c is already doing the majority of the work, the actual implementation could be largely pasted from the above mentioned file.

7.PacketiX.NET vpn client installation on linux

recently i'm been using vpn and the speed is quite good... unfortunately there's not many guide on how to use the client on linux, so i'm writing one.

this gonna be very bear with me till the end ..huhu

0. to make things easier, lets transform into root :D
sudo su && cd

1. now, make a folder name vpn and download the vpnclient file from their web
mkdir vpn && cd vpn
wget -c

2. now to compile this files, you need zlib, openssl, readline and ncurses.
apt-get install zlib1g-dev libreadline5-dev

3. once finish,extract the file and continue with compile
tar -zxvf vpnclient-5350a-rtm-en-linux-x86.tar.gz && cd vpnclient* && make
4. connecting/tunneling to
./vpnclient start

5. inside vpncmd
choose number 2
[2] Management of VPN Clinet and input localhost as the destination host
u will see something like this...
Input destination: localhost
Connected to VPN Client "localhost".
VPN Client>

6. now configuring your follow
root@bur8:~/vpnclient> ./vpncmd
vpncmd command - PacketiX VPN Command Line Management Utility
PacketiX VPN Command Line Management Utility (vpncmd command)
Version 2.20 Build 5350   (English)
Compiled Oct  9 2007 01:27:58 by yagi at ILC308
Copyright (C) 2004-2007 SoftEther Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
By using vpncmd program, the following can be achieved.
1. Management of VPN Server or VPN Bridge
2. Management of VPN Clinet
3. Use of VPN Tools (certificate creation and communication speed measurement)

Select 1, 2 or 3: 2

Specify the host name or IP address of the computer that the destination VPN Client is operating on.
If nothing is input and Enter is pressed, connection will be made to localhost (this computer).
Input destination: localhost

Connected to VPN Client "localhost".
VPN Client>niccreate
NicCreate command - Create New Virtual Network Adapter
Virtual Network Adapter Name: 0
The command terminated normally.

*** now lets configure our account and connection

VPN Client>niclist
NicList command - Get List of Virtual Network Adapters
Item                        |Value
Virtual Network Adapter Name|0
Status                      |Enabled
MAC Address                 |00AC9D035CF6
Version                     |Version 2.20 Build 5350   (English)
The command terminated normally.

VPN Client>accountcreate
AccountCreate command - Create New VPN Connection Setting
Name of VPN Connection Setting: VPN
Destination VPN Server Host Name and Port Number:
Destination Virtual HUB Name: PUBLIC
Connecting User Name: PUBLIC
Used Virtual Network Adapter Name: 0
The command terminated normally.

VPN Client>accountlist
AccountList command - Get List of VPN Connection Settings
Item                        |Value
VPN Connection Setting Name |VPN
Status                      |Offline
VPN Server Address          | (Direct TCP/IP Connection)
Virtual Network Adapter Name|0
The command terminated normally.

VPN Client>accountconnect
AccountConnect command - Start Connection to VPN Server using VPN Connection Setting
Name of VPN Connection Setting: VPN
The command terminated normally.

*** wait for awhile and list the account again

VPN Client>accountlist
AccountList command - Get List of VPN Connection Settings
Item                        |Value
VPN Connection Setting Name |VPN
Status                      |Connected
VPN Server Address          | (Direct TCP/IP Connection)
Virtual Network Adapter Name|0
The command terminated normally.

*** set this as default connection everytime vpnclient started

VPN Client>AccountStartupSet
AccountStartupSet command - Set VPN Connection Setting as Startup Connection
Name of VPN Connection Setting: VPN
VPN Client>quit

7. now check for connection... note the value of _0 at the end of vpn
root@bur8:~/vpnclient> ifconfig vpn_0
vpn_0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:ac:9d:03:5c:f6
RX packets:1603 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:500
RX bytes:463867 (463.8 KB)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

7. get dhcp from vpn
root@bur8:~/vpnclient> dhclient vpn_0
Listening on LPF/vpn_0/00:ac:9d:03:5c:f6
Sending on   LPF/vpn_0/00:ac:9d:03:5c:f6
Sending on   Socket/fallback
DHCPREQUEST of on vpn_0 to port 67
DHCPACK of from
bound to -- renewal in 437751335 seconds.

root@bur8:~/vpnclient> ifconfig vpn_0
vpn_0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:ac:9d:03:5c:f6
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

now you can start routing you connection to vpn..
sorry but this is a noob routing will redirect all your traffic to vpn

route del default
route add default dev vpn_0

for more about how to do advance routing in linux please refer to
p/s: to back to your current connection.. stop the service and reroute back to your original gateway.
in my case
./vpnclient stop
route del default
route add default dev ppp0
where ppp0 is my celcom 3g modem interface





安装和设置可以看的alonweb安装使用教程 两者几乎一样。


1. 获取ca证书和帐号配置文件。这一步有二个渠道完成。
借助Windows或Mac的机器安装好UltraVPN之后,复制软件安装路径中config目录下的ca.crt、client.ovpn和stealthy connect.ovpn三个文件。
或者直接下载为大家准备的ca.crt、client.ovpn、stealthy connect.ovpn.地址为:

2. 安装OpenVPN。

$ sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn3. 建立VPN连接。这一步也有两种方式完成。
导入式:右键点击网络连接图标,选择“编辑连接…”,切换到标签“VPN”, 点“导入“,选择第2步获取的client.ovpn文件(也可以选择stealthy connect.ovpn文件,用于创建安全连接),在弹出的编辑界面中填好第1 步注册的用户名、密码,”CA 认证”选择第2步获取的”ca.crt”文件,点”应用”完成。

4. 连接VPN。左键点击网络连接图标,在“VPN Connections“中选择第2步创建的连接,在这里会弹出一个提示:





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