Math professor discovers chaos on a 'fluid trampoline'
December 22nd, 2008 By Anne Trafton in Physics / Physics
A drop of water bounces off a soap film. Image / John Bush/Tristan Gilet
( -- A water drop placed on a soap film that vibrates up and down may bounce as if on a trampoline -- but it's much more than that, according to MIT mathematicians who say the "fluid trampoline" is the simplest fluid example of chaos theory ever explored.
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MIT math professor John Bush and visiting student Tristan Gilet built the system in the Applied Math Laboratory, then demonstrated that the drop bouncing may be accurately described with a single simple equation. They report their findings in an upcoming issue of Physical Review Letters.
Their study builds upon the pioneering work of the late Edward Lorenz, an MIT meteorologist who in 1963 discovered chaos in a simplified mathematical model of the atmosphere, now called the Lorenz equations. Known as the father of chaos theory, Lorenz passed away in April 2008 after a distinguished career in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmosphere and Planetary Sciences.
The trademark of chaotic systems is their sensitivity to initial conditions. Any uncertainty in the initial state of a chaotic system will soon be amplified, leading to a loss of predictive power over the system. The chaotic nature of the Earth's atmosphere is responsible for the shortcomings of weather forecasts, which are notoriously untrustworthy beyond a few days.
Since Lorenz's early work, chaos has been discovered in a wide variety of complex systems, from the beating heart to population dynamics, from planetary orbits to the stock market. An interesting philosophical question arises, says Bush: "What is the simplest physical system that exhibits chaotic behavior? What are the minimum ingredients for chaos?"
In the 1970s, MIT math professors Lou Howard and Willem Malkus developed the first mechanical chaotic oscillator in the Applied Math Laboratory, a water wheel whose motion is precisely described by the Lorenz equations. The original water wheel consists of a series of perforated Dixie cups fixed to a tilted wheel: When the cups are filled from above, the wheel trajectory may spin in an unpredictable, chaotic
Subsequently, chaos has been observed and studied in a number of simple systems, including a bouncing rubber ball, the double pendulum and the dripping faucet. While the latter system is the simplest fluid oscillator to study experimentally, Bush points out that the fluid trampoline is the simplest when one considers both ease of experiment and theory.
The form of bouncing on the fluid trampoline depends on the amplitude and frequency of the soap film vibration. At low amplitude, the drop bounces with the period of the forcing. Progressively increasing the amplitude leads to the bouncing period doubling then quadrupling. Ultimately, chaos emerges via a so-called period-doubling cascade. The authors demonstrate that the trajectory of the bouncing drop is accurately described by a single second-order differential equation that allows them to rationalize all of the observed bouncing behavior, including the period-doubling transitions to chaos.
Their study is the latest milestone in MIT's long association with chaos theory. Says Bush, "We have brought chaos back to its fluid mechanical roots at MIT."
Gilet, a graduate student from the University of Liege in Belgium, was visiting MIT thanks to the financial support of the FNRS/FRIA and the Belgian government.
Provided by MIT
科学: MIT教授在“流体蹦床”上发现混沌
混沌学(英文:Chaos) 在科学上,如果一个系统的演变过程对初态非常敏感,人们就称它为混沌系统。研究混沌运动的一门新学科,叫作混沌学。混沌学发现,出现混沌运动这种奇特现象,是由系统内部的非线性因素引起的。 [编辑本段]混沌学的起源和发展
与我们通常研究的线性科学不同,混沌学研究的是一种非线性科学,而非线性科学研究似乎总是把人们对“ 正常”事物“正常”现象的认识转向对“反常”事物“反常”现象的探索。例如,孤波不是周期性振荡的规则传播;“多媒体”技术对信息贮存、压缩、传播、转换和控制过程中遇到大量的“非常规”现象产生所采用的“非常规”的新方法;混沌打破了确定性方程由初始条件严格确定系统未来运动的“常规”,出现所谓各种“奇异吸引子”现象等。
混沌来自于非线性动力系统,而动力系统又描述的是任意随时间发展变化的过程,并且这样的系统产生于生活的各个方面。举个例子,生态学家对某物种的长期性态感兴趣,给定一些观察到的或实验得到的变量(如捕食者个数、气候的恶劣性、食物的可获性等等),建立数学模型来描述群体的增减。如果用 Pn表示n代后该物种极限数目的百分比,则著名的“罗杰斯蒂映射”:Pn+1=kP(1-Pn(k是依赖于生态条件的常数)可以用于在给定Po,k条件下,预报群体数的长期性态。如果将常数k处理成可变的参数k,则当k值增大到一定值后, “罗杰斯蒂映射”所构成的动力系统就进入混沌状态。最常见的气象模型是巨型动力系统的一个例子:温度、气压、风向、速度以及降雨量都是这个系统中随时间变化的变量。洛伦兹(E.N.Lorenz)教授于1963年《大气科学》杂志上发表了“决定性的非周期流”一文,阐述了在气候不能精确重演与长期天气预报者无能为力之间必然存在着一种联系,这就是非周期性与不可预见性之间的关系。洛伦兹在计算机上用他所建立的微分方程模拟气候变化的时候,偶然发现输入的初始条件的极细微的差别,可以引起模拟结果的巨大变化。洛伦兹打了个比喻,即我们在文首提到的关于在南半球巴西某地一只蝴蝶的翅膀的偶然扇动所引起的微小气流,几星期后可能变成席卷北半球美国得克萨斯州的一场龙卷风,这就是天气的 “蝴蝶效应”。
天文学方面:先辈们认清了火星、木星间小行星带的Kirkwood间隙起源问题,这些间隙相应于小行星混沌的运行轨道。Laskar给出了行星内部的混沌运动图像,推翻了太阳系稳定的观点。太阳系中地球混沌的特征时间大约是5百万年。气象学:Massachusetts理工学院的Edward Lorenz 1963年混沌行为的实验证明使今天的气象学家承认大气的混沌使超过三两周到未来的精确的天气预报成为不可能。但是一些人希望混沌模型最终可使它有可能预报长期的天气趋势。
生理学:Berkeley的California的Walter Freeman说脑子利用混沌作为等待状态,他说:人类脑电图(EFG)的研究表明,当一位受试者在接受或处理信息时,脑电波图会变得有序,其余的脑研究者正在通过分析混沌的脑电图的图形寻找预报癫痫发作的方法。