The Way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue, renovating the people, and abiding by the highest good.





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OpenSPARC是一个开放源代码(Open Source)专案,该专案于2005年12月由升阳电脑所发起成立,成立之初先由该公司释出UltraSPARC T1处理器在电路设计上的原始程式码(Source Code),如此可以使软硬件的开发设计者(及开发商)能更快速容易的取得该处理器的架构原理与相关技术资料,进而更快开发出呼应支援此架构的软硬件应用及产品。


虽然2005年底就已提案成立,不过一直等到2006年3月21日升阳电脑才正式释出(Release)UltraSPARC T1处理器的程式码,程式码是以Verilog硬件描述编程语言所撰写成,不过升阳电脑对于程式码的开放有其限度,仅开放暂存器转化层(Register Transfer Level,RTL)的程式,虽不足以用此程式码来研制UltraSPARC T1处理器,但这也已经足够让开发设计者用来开发、验证相容于UltraSPARC T1处理器架构的的软硬件。除了程式码与相关技术资料的开放外,也提供许多免费的开发工具软件,或验证测试之用的工具软件。



[编辑] 专案社群的会员

目前该社群的较知名会员有:Aurora VLSI、Aldec、Synopsys、World 45 Ltd.、SimplyRISC、Time-to-Market公司,及圣克鲁兹加州大学(The University of California at Santa Cruz)。

[编辑] 相关参考

  • SPARC - (Scalable Processor ARChitecture)具扩展延伸性的处理器架构
  • UltraSPARC T1

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UltraSPARC Unleashed: OpenSPARC Get It

Our site is alive!
While we finalize the source code downloads for the UltraSPARC T-1 processor we're busy posting cool tools, the specifications, and other tidbits for you to chew on.

It's time to share
Making silicon will never be free, but we believe it's time to open up the process, and enable more bright minds to build on a proven technology core.

Get ready to peek inside -- to a more powerful world
In the coming months we plan to post source code, documentation, and tools based on our 64-bit, multithreaded UltraSPARC T1 processor. The UltraSPARC T1's CoolThreads technology has set a whole new standard for the industry in terms of throughput and energy efficiency, and now you can join the revolution. It's worth a peek; it's free. Welcome to the world of 64-bit computing, and 32 threads.

Let's all "Chip in" -- and be part of tomorrow's possibilities
OpenSPARC is a new starting point for exploring new horizons and solving hard problems, where chip innovation can make a difference. In the coming months, we'll be leading and carefully listening to discussion groups. We'll also post articles and links to helpful sites and post code open for innovation. We invite you all -- researchers, users, peers, partners and manufacturers -- to join us. If we all "chip in," innovation will happen, everywhere.

OpenSPARC: Innovation Opportunities with the World's First Open Source CPU

Sun opened the design code for its UltraSPARC T1 processor and the OpenSPARC community was born. Now developers around the world are innovating at the chip level to meet the high throughput demands of Web 2.0. In this informative Net Talk, you'll learn what's behind the world's first open source CPU and the dynamic OpenSPARC community. Listen in as our expert panelists explore the many opportunities that OpenSPARC offers to developers and architects.

View the Net Talk

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DunEscorts 说...